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I hosted a bridal shower at my house this weekend and these sticky note holders were one of the prizes I passed out. They were so quick and easy to make.

I have seen these several different places online, but here is how I made these.
I grabbed a couple of disposable coasters from a restaurant.
I wanted to ink the sides, but my black ink pad was dried out so I went around all the edges with a Sharpie. I think the ink would be much easier though. Then I traced around my coaster with scrapbook paper. I did a different pattern for each side, but it could be the same.
After cutting out the paper, I put Mod Podge on one side of the paper and on one side of the coaster. I carefully lined the paper up with the coaster and then went over the top with another layer of Mod Podge. After the front dried, I flipped it over and did the same with the back side.
I hot glued the sticky notes to the pad, but I also think you could just pull off the back and stick it, or even clip it on with a binder clip. I also hot glued the bow in the corner.
I loved the way these turned out and can't wait to make one for my desk.
I can't believe I have to go back to work tomorrow. This summer has really flown by. I have had a fun summer but haven't done too many BIG things.
I ...
read, a lot - 19 books
slept, a lot
went on an amazing vacation to California
finished lots of projects around my house
spent hours on the phone trying to get hot water, so far unsuccessfully
put together puzzles while watching mystery shows
prepped for the upcoming school year
spent Monday nights watching reality tv with my BFF
spent time at the beach
had fun!
I will miss the lazy days of summer, but it will be nice to get back into a routine and get back to work!
A little over a year ago I really embraced using coupons and have been able to significantly cut my costs at the grocery store. I have read all kinds of ideas and tried many different ways to organize these little bits of paper money and I finally found what works for me.
When I get the ads (my mom gives me hers - thanks!) I write the date on the front. In Sharpie - I have a slight obsession with Sharipes. I glance through the ads and cut out any coupons I know I will use regardless of the sales. I place these with my shopping list.
I have a plastic file crate that I have filled with 13 hanging folders. Each month has its own folder and then I have an extra for home mailers and restaurant coupons. In each hanging folder I place 3 manila folders for the 3 major ads I get each week. I file them by date. As I file, I recycle the ones from the previous year.
Then, I check Hot Coupon World for the weekly ad match ups and can easily go right the date and coupon. It only took me about 15 minutes to set this system up and it makes it so much easier than keeping up with cut coupons. Plus, I have tried new products that are close to free because I keep all the coupons.
As I was riffling through my purse yesterday I thought about how I have always carried a really messy purse. What has changed is what I keep in my purse. When I was in high school and early college I carried a different mess of stuff than what I carry these days.
- Gum - spearmint not peppermint and lots of it!
- My 'trusty' credit card
- My beeper
- Change for the pay phone - do they have pay phones now? (if they do - how much do they cost??)
- Lots of readmits for when I 'missed' a class
- Movie tickets and notes from friends
- Never gum - I out grew gum - eww!
- Cash
- My old school cell phone (for now - I have a fancy one on the way)
- Medicine for most illnesses
- Paper and a pen - I can entertain myself for a good hour making lists
- Old lists, snacks, bank envelopes, coupons and other clear signs that I am nearing 30!
On a short trip to Publix we sampled the apron's meal and it was so yummy we immediately bought the stuff to make black bean corn salad. The only catch was that the dressing called for is spicy ranch and they only sold a full fat version. I was confident I could find a recipe online to spice up low fat ranch. After looking at several recipes and seeing what we had on hand I made my own version. This stuff is so good I think we have gone through 5 heads of Romain since Saturday. This is a must try!
Spicy Ranch
One bottle of low fat ranch dressing (we like Hidden Valley)
1 T hot sauce (I used Louisiana)
heaping 1/2 t cayenne pepper
1/2 t chili powder
I poured the bottle of dressing into my 4 cup Pyrex and added the spices, whisked good then poured back into the bottle. Yum!
Also know as the day I found out I can't cross the monkey bars anymore.
We stopped by a local park on the way back from our usual bike ride, because the park has different stations to do exercises. I was very excited to head to the monkey bars, because I remember loving to cross them on the playground. I grabbed right on ready to glide across when I felt every muscle in my arms stretch for dear life and I fell halfway through. Disappoint, but not deterred I tried again only to discover I cannot cross the monkey bars. When I expressed my confusion to my husband he lovingly reminded me I haven't attempted this since I was 12, and apparently I have no upper body strength. I will leave you to guess what happened on the pull up bar, but I am pretty sure I am going to be s-o-r-e tomorrow.